

2004 - 2005 "FIVE STARS" Golf Digest Places to Play - 1 of 16 in North America
2006 - 2007 "FIVE STARS" Golf Digest Places to Play - 1 of 17 in North America
2000 - 2003 "FOUR AND ONE HALF STARS" Golf Digest Places to Play
2008 - 2019 "FOUR AND ONE HALF STARS" Golf Digest Places to Play
Golf Digest "Best Places to Play “1994-2019"
Rated as the "5th best value in North America."
Rated as the "2nd best pace of play in North America."
Defined as "golf at its absolute best. Pay any price to play at least once in your life."

* Best of Omaha - Omaha People's Choice Award Best Golf Course 2019
* US Kids Golf Tournament site 2017-2024
* GPAC Conference Championship host 2017 - 2023
* Lincoln Women's Championship 2017
* Member course University of Nebraska - Professional Golf Management Program
* NWAGA Four Ball Championship 2016
* NCCGA Regional Champioship 2016
* Nebraska Golf Association Senior Amateur Championship 2015
* NGA Fall Junior Tour 2012-2024
* Nebraska Golf Association Senior Amateur Championship 2011
* Lincoln Women's City Championship 2008, 2010
* UNL Women's Chip in Club Invitational 2007
* Host course Eastern Nebraska Senior Golf Association
* Host course Lincoln Senior Men's Golf Association
* Home of the Palmyra Panthers

* Lincoln golf Nebraska and Omaha Rated as the "best service" and "best condition" in Nebraska.
* 2005 Qualifying site for USGA Mid-Amateur
* 1999 Nebraska Golf Association State Amateur Championship
* 1995-1997 Prairie Golf Pro Tour Host Course
* 2002 Best #2 ,#6, and #8 Public Holes in Nebraska Metropolitan Tee Time Magazine, Omaha
* 2000-2004, 2013-2014 C-2 High School District Championship Site
* 1994-2018 Nebraska Section PGA Tournament Site
* 2001-2019 Nebraska PGA Junior Tour Site (formerly Pepsi Junior Tour)
* 1993 Golf Digest 3rd Best Course in Nebraska
* Member course in the Nebraska Golf Trail
* Member course Nebraska Golf Association
* Member course USGA
* Member course PGA of America
* Member course NWAGA

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